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Uw snelweg naar interessante webstekken
over industrieel en technisch erfgoed

Your speedway to interesting websites on industrial and technical heritage

Doelstellingen: wat en waarom?

Aims and objectives: what and why?


Table of content




Deze lijst van links is slechts voorlopig.

Wij danken intussen iedereen die ons aanvullende URLs signaleerde. Aanvullingen zijn nog steeds welkom !
Wij zoeken nog vrijwilligers om ons bij het vertaalwerk te helpen. Zend ons eventueel vertalingen (of taalkundige correcties) per e-mail.

Naar de voorlopige index



This is only a provisional list of links. We want to complete this information with websites of (in the first place European) associations, museums, institutions. We also will try to edit this list in different language versions: at least in Dutch and in English, later also French and Dutch. By doing so we hope to provide our foreign colleagues with an important tool for research and contacts.

We are still looking for volunteers to help us with translating. If you would like to help us: send the translations of the entries to our e-mail address.

Thanks to everyone who already mailed us the URLs of interesting websites !!!

To the provisional index



Vlaamse Vereniging voor Industriële Archeologie vzw 




A. Linters, samensteller

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